Today I'm posting about the hubby's lunch, and my lunch (and breakfast), in addition to G's lunch. Oh, and I finished my first quilt! Woo hoo! I found this GIGANTIC Italian carrot at the produce market a few miles from my house. I'd never seen an Italian carrot before but apparently they have some kind of steroid in the soil! Seriously - this thing was the size and shape of a Pringles can!! It smelled just like a regular carrot so I had to get one to punch shapes out of since none of the carrots at the grocery store are ever fat enough. Oh, and don't mind the background in the pics today, it's my super beat-up kitchen table. Hand-me-down from my mom & dad - it's older than me!
G's lunch: cheddar, provolone, & honey turkey flowers with wheat crackers, 4 organic liquid-filled gummy penguins from Trader Joe's. I know, I know - not fitting the 'May flowers' theme but they didn't have a flowery candy! She also had Italian carrot & cucumber flowers, with grapes and raspberries. I packed her a lot of cracker sandwich fixins because she usually shares her lunches with her cousin and he tends to not eat the healthier stuff. And don't worry, there's actually three thick slices of both the carrots and cucumbers, they're just stacked.
Here's Bear's lunch for tomorrow! It seems like there's always an excuse not to make a lunch for him, and then I end up mad that he spent money on lunch when we have so much here at home. However, today I packed it! I used one of my Sistema cube boxes. They're pretty nifty. The two compartments on the right are the bottom, and the compartment on the left has a top that clips on, then the whole thing flips over and it all gets secured with a clip on the side. I use them pretty often for him, not really all that much for me because I tend to graze throughout the day and it's a pain to keep getting it out and putting it away. He just eats three meals a day. In the upper compartment, I made him a pepper ham & cheddar sandwich with G's leftover cheddar pieces from cutting out her flowers. He also got more wheat crackers and dark chocolate peanut butter cups from Trader Joe's. I like the bottom compartments of these cubes because it seems to be perfectly portioned for fruits & veggies. In this case, raspberries, grapes, & strawberries on the left, broccoli (with Italian carrot sliced below, & ranch in the white tub. I just got the white tubs in a pack of 10 hanging in the isle of my local grocery store. I stuck picks in his because he doesn't always get a chance to do more than wipe his hands with a baby wipe before he eats and I didn't want to make him touch moist food if he didn't need to.
And the quilt! Hubby's cousin B was piecing blocks of fabric together one day when I walked in and sort of took over. I've made little random projects in the past, and watched my mom quilt for years (she's an award-winning quilter. Really, she is), but my only personal quilting experience was making a coaster for my craft desk. I totally redesigned her quilt, then took it to do the actual sewing and quilting because their rinky-dink sewing machine would in NO WAY handle a quilt! I also did mitered corners, pretty proud of that :) B was making it for a friend's new baby, so it was nice and little. I tried to get G to pose with it but she would only make obnoxious faces so you're stuck with a picture of me, taken by her. It was really warm in my kitchen so I'm super greasy! (I cropped out all my crap in the background)
Here's one of her obnoxious ones:
It pretty much continued like that for 8 pictures...
*Disclaimer: I do not get any type of affiliate discount, rebate, reward, payout or whatnot from linking to these sites. I purely go to Uwajimaya about twice a year when I can force myself to drive to that side of town
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