Sunday, April 27, 2014

Long hiatus is over!

Verrrrrry long hiatus, and I greatly apologize. Got very busy (and a bit lazy) after school started. And most of both sides of our family's birthdays (including all of our kids, myself, and my MIL) are either in December or very close to December, as well as our wedding anniversary, so the holiday season is extremely busy for us. I also got a bit discouraged by some naysayers along the way, so started packing more "normal" bentos there for a bit. Then I realized I was going crazy by not having a creative outlet more readily available, and Squirrel started asking about her "pretty" lunches again (which broke my heart), and I realized, I pack these fun lunches for her and for me. I share them to maybe inspire others as I've been inspired. Certain family members don't like them? Don't look at them. You don't have to eat them. My lunch-packing isn't saying anything derogatory about your lunch-packing, it's just how I choose to do it. Just because I bento doesn't mean you're lunches are inferior because you don't. So, I'm back! I did do a few fun lunches since my last post in September, so I'll try to get them all out here, soon. I've also discovered a cool website,, that gives me ideas to theme lunches, too, so maybe I can participate in some of those cool blog hops I see here and there. I'll probably end up just putting out one post a week, of that whole week's lunches, because I don't have a ton of time to blog. The point is, I'll definitely make more of an effort!!

**disclaimer about this post: these clip-art pics are not my artwork. I merely typed keywords into Google, and copy/pasted them here. They sure are cute, tho, aren't they?**

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