Sunday, September 15, 2013

Lunches 9/5/13 & 9/6/13 - the last two days of her first week in Kindergarten

For the last two days of Squirrel's first week of Kindergarten I debuted two new containers!  I'd never used a Thermos Funtainer for her before.  Bear has one that I've sent hot lunches in, but I was unsure about hers.  I had her test it a few times, though, and determined the happy medium where she can unscrew it on her own but it still keeps her food in.  On Thursday, September 5 Squirrel had cheese shells with hot dog slices in the Funtainer.  The sidecar was blueberries, grapes (some on a skewer), and pretzel crackers in the top compartment.  The bottom compartment had a mini banana, chocolate chip, and coconut muffin I made for Squirrel while she was at school her first day, carrots, and two Hello Panda cookies.  Those things are way too damn good.  It is seriously hard to not eat a whole box of them!  

This was the day she determined that she 'doesn't like carrots anymore.'  Absolutely ridiculous, because carrots have been the only vegetables we can reliably shove in her since she started eating solid foods as a baby!  However, I think that they may just be hard for her to eat because she recently lost her first tooth (front lower left), and has another loose one in the front and they may just be hard for her to eat.  I think I'll try slicing them so she can just chomp them with her molars and see how that goes.

On her first Friday in school (9/6/13) I debuted her second new lunch box - an awesome circular one.  Found it in the Dollar Spot at Target.

The top layer (the smaller one) has grapes, blueberries, and baby carrots sliced length-wise.  I didn't intend on making a pattern, it just sort of happened.  The lower portion has a turkey and cheese pocket sandwich, Hello Panda cookies and pb sandwich crackers (under the sandwich).  Note to anyone who makes them: heart pocket sandwiches don't work well in circular lunchboxes.  And that's AFTER I trimmed it down to make it easier to fit!

 Here's the top and sides of the new, circular container.  You can see how the smaller tray just nests in the larger one.  It's really easy for Squirrel to open and close herself!

Incidentally, on Friday, Squirrel was convinced that she's start first grade Monday because she'd already had her first week of kindergarten.  I tried convincing her that she still had to have Christmas, Spring, and Summer before first grade but she was absolutely determined that she was going in to first grade Monday morning.  When Bear and I picked her up Monday after school, the first thing out of her mouth was "Well, I'm still in Kindergarten."  Hahaha!

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